Let's say I have a resource at relative path /book/1/chapter/2, or more generally, /book/{bookNo}/chapter/{chapterNo}.
I've been looking for a generic way to generate a list of links. I've made up a fake method called "replaceOrAppendPathParameter" to try to convey what I want to do. The URIInfo passed into the createLinks method might be for any of the following:
I want to be able to pass the UriInfo for any of the path's above into the method below to generate a list of links that includes both the bookNo and the chapterNo path parameters.
List<URI> createLinks(UriInfo uriInfo){
List<URI> links = new ArrayList<URI>();
for(int i=0;i<NUM_BOOKS;i++){
for(int j=0;j<NUM_CHAPTERS;j++){
URI link = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder().replaceOrAppendPathParameter("bookNo", i).replaceOrAppendPathParameter("chapterNo", j).build();
return links;
Can anyone help me to accomplish this? I don't want to manually feed "/book/{bookNo}/chapter/{chapterNo}" into the UriBuilder as that defeats the purpose of having a single generalized method capable of generating simple numbered links.