Sub-Resource Locators

From: mkuchtiak <Milan.Kuchtiak_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 14:27:32 +0200


In the Jersey documentation:

Example 1.22 Sub-resource locators, there is a skeleton example

 public class ItemResource {
      @Context UriInfo uriInfo;
      public ItemContentResource getItemContentResource() {
          return new ItemContentResource();
      public Item get() { ... }

 public class ItemContentResource {
      public Response get() { ... }
      public void put(
              @PathParam("version") int version,
              @Context HttpHeaders headers,
              byte[] in) { ... }

I consider this a little confusing and not very realistic. Moreover I don't think it's typical when new instance is created in getItemContentResource method.

As I correctly understand Sub-resource locators are mainly useful for Container->Item relationship, e.g. :
 public class ContainerResource {
      public ItemResource findItemResource("@PathParam("item") Integer id) {
          return findItem(id);
      public List<Item> get() { ... }

      public void post(Item item) { ... }

      private ItemResource findItem(Integer id) { ... }
 public class ItemResource {
      public Item get() { ... }

      public void put(String itemContent) { ... }

      public void delete() { ... }
