humm.. but I have already a response type..
my method:
@Produces( { MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Collection<PujUserEntity> selectAllByGroup(
@PathParam("offset") int offset, @PathParam("limit") int limit,
@PathParam("offset") String groupId) {
return facade.readAllByGroupId(offset, limit, groupId);
How to set the chraset (and other headers) of the HTTP response ?
On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 7:25 PM, Craig
McClanahan<> wrote:
> Felipe Gaścho wrote:
>> How to set the response encoding of my Jersey resources ?
>> * or other response HTTP headers ?
> Have your resource method return a "" instead of an
> entity object class directly. You can use its "builder pattern" APIs to add
> as many headers as you like:
> @GET
> public Response get(...) {
> Object entity = ...; // The object you would normally have been
> returning
> return Response.ok(entity).
> header("Content-Language", "en-us").
> build();
> }
> There are also shortcut methds for many of the common HTTP headers, as well
> as a way to set status codes other than 200.
> Craig
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