Cookies and OpenSSO

From: Ronak Patel <>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 19:44:44 -0700 (PDT)

Hi All,

I've been trying to use JAX-RS Jersey to contact the OpenSSO Identity Services. It requires me to set a Cookie in my request HTTP message and I do that using the following code:

final WebResource blogResource = client.resource("http://localhost:30080/opensso/identity/isTokenValid");
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("iPlanetDirectoryPro", value);
final ClientResponse blogResponse = blogResource.cookie(cookie).get(ClientResponse.class);

final String blog = blogResponse.getEntity(String.class);

Cookie: $Version=1;iPlanetDirectoryPro=AQIC5wM2LY4SfczP6pR89eFKDhG7GQntIdyPNwAo1anO65k%3D%40AAJTSQACMDE%3D%23%0A

What I always see is that the cookie outputs a $Version=1 as part of the cookie. I'm thinking this is incorrect since I've never seen anything like this in any of the other cookies sent on the that true?

Ronak Patel