Some of my service calls require the Accept-Language header to be set. I want
to return a 400 if the service is called and the header is not set.
I took a look at the
source code for RolesAllowedResourceFilterFactory, and created something
similar that checks the resource method for an annotation called
public class MyResource {
public String testLanguage() {
return "test";
public class LocaleCheckFilterFactory implements ResourceFilterFactory {
private class Filter implements ResourceFilter, ContainerRequestFilter {
public ContainerRequestFilter getRequestFilter() {
return this;
public ContainerResponseFilter getResponseFilter() {
return null;
public ContainerRequest filter(ContainerRequest request) {
if(/* Accept-Language is not present */) {
throw new MissingLocaleException("Missing or empty
Accept-Language header");
return request;
public List<ResourceFilter> create(AbstractMethod am) {
if (!am.isAnnotationPresent(LocaleRequired.class)) {
return null;
return Collections.<ResourceFilter>singletonList(new Filter());
The problem is that when I debug, the AbstractMethod parameter has the @GET
and @Path annotations but doesn't have the @LocaleRequired annotation in its
list of annotations.
Can anyone point me to why this would be, or a better way of achieving my
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