On Aug 27, 2009, at 3:34 PM, Felipe Gaścho wrote:
> in the new samples of 1.1.2, I noticed an jersey-ejb sample..
> EJB is already supported by jersey ?
Singleton and Stateless no-interface-view session beans can be
resource classes.
Injection of EE artifacts onto resource classes (not of the above) is
still not supported as we are waiting on JSRs 299/300 to determine how
to support that.
> may I rid off that InjectableProvider I am using since ever to
> integrate ejb in jersey ? :)
Unfortunately no yet, unless your resource classes are EJBs.
> --
> Looking for a client application for this service:
> http://fgaucho.dyndns.org:8080/footprint-service/wadl
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