Re: [Jersey] several groups consuming same data - how to split?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 09:34:53 +0200

On Aug 26, 2009, at 12:51 PM, Felipe Gaścho wrote:

> I have this academic competition.. where a same Jersey service will
> support the competitions of several JUGs... The database contains the
> same domain model for all JUGs (same competition model), but in my GUI
> an user will be interested only in his specific group informations..
> so:
> all groups will have access to URLs like:
> /user/0/88 << this returns all users from record 0 to 88 (pagination)
> /grades/7 << this returns all grades for the homerowk ID=7
> so, of course the above URLs are relative to a specific group.. the
> user of a JUG-A don't want to see the grades of the homework 7 of the
> JUG-B, etc....
> So, how to split ?
> option #1: using a path in the URL:
> /jug-a/user/0/88
> /jug-a/grades/7
> option #2: using parameters:
> /user/0/88?group=juga
> /grades/7?group=juga
> option #3: using HTTP headers
> option #4: ??? waiting your best suggestion here :)

I would go with option 1. It means the resource /jug-a can have
representations about what it is.

Are there permissions associated with JUGs? in that a user in JUG-A
cannot access information or is restricted in updating information in
