Inject EJB into resource class

From: Zach Cox <>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:35:07 -0400

Hi - I'm using GlassFish v3 Prelude with the jersey and glassfish-ejb
components installed. I have a stateless session bean and a root
resource, and am trying to get the bean injected into the resource:

public class PictureEjb {


public class PicturesResource {
    private PictureEjb pictureEjb;

However, the pictureEjb instance is always null. I noticed this
thread from Feb 2009 that seems to say that EJB injection into
resources is not supported in JAX-RS 1.0, but is supported in JAX-RS

The GlassFish admin console says the installed Jersey component is
version 1.1.1-1.0, which I assume is 1.1+ and should support EJB
injection into resources, but it doesn't seem to be working...

Am I doing something wrong or is EJB injection into resources still
not supported?
