Re: [Jersey] Bug in Null handling in JSON/JAXB ?

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 14:59:57 -0700

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 1:53 PM, DirkM<> wrote:
> I was having a similar problem, and decided to use
> GSON  to handle writing JSON for
> Jersey. It outputs nulls more intuitively than JAXB, which is constrained by
> having originally been designed for XML.
> In order to make Jersey write JSON using a custom writer, you need to create
> a Provider that implements MessageBodyWriter. I've included my version
> below. Note that I'm using Guice, so there are some extra annotations and
> Gson gets injected (so you won't see the configuration changes I suggested
> above)

As a sidenote, same is true for Jackson
(, except that JAX-RS provider
implementation is already included in Jackson distribution (in
"jackson-jaxrs" jar).

I agree in that this (using object-to/from-JSON, with no intermediate
JAXB mapping) often makes sense, possibly alongside xml output using

-+ Tatu +-