Re: [Jersey] Re: generic _at_PathParam??

From: Grover Blue <>
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 10:59:22 -0400

From my understanding of the spec, you need to have an object that has a
construct which accepts a single string.

Try the following:
public class PK {

    public PK(String initString){
        // do something here

    public String toString(){
        // Stringify your PK if needed

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 2:14 AM, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:

> * trying
>> public T select(@PathParam("id") Object login) {
>> also doesn't work ...
> Right, because Object does not give enough information on what type to
> inject.
> On Aug 22, 2009, at 1:22 PM, Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
> I finally adopted "String" as generic type, and by luck it seems to
>> work with the EntityManager :)
>> but I would love to have it in generic format (supporting eventually
>> JPA @Embeddable keys)
> Could you log an issue (when is back up) ?
> This will require that type variables are resolved at the level of the
> abstract model to ensure injection will work in all cases.
> Paul.
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