generic _at_PathParam??

From: Felipe Gaścho <>
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 11:00:12 +0200

I am trying to make generic my find method:

this works fine:

public abstract class PujGenericResource<T extends AbstractArenaEntity> {
        public T select(@PathParam("id") int login) {
                return getFacade().read(genericType, login);


this doesn't :( Is there a way to make this ??

public abstract class PujGenericResource<T extends
AbstractArenaEntity, PK extends Serializable> {
        public T select(@PathParam("id") PK login) { <<<< HERE is the problem :(
                return getFacade().read(genericType, login);

* I removed the other annotations for clearness..

Looking for a client application for this service: