I have mapped 3 suffixes to media types for content type negotiation and
only 2 of the 3 are working. The resource is:
public class OntologyResource extends BaseResource {
private byte[] rdfRepresentation;
private byte[] ntripleRepresentation;
private byte[] n3Representation;
private @javax.ws.rs.core.Context HttpHeaders httpHeaders;
* No-argument Constructor.
* @throws Exception
* @throws NamingException
public OntologyResource() throws NamingException, Exception {
rdfRepresentation = null;
ntripleRepresentation = null;
javax.naming.Context context = new InitialContext();
new CnodbModelDb(context);
* Retrieve an RDF representation of the current CNODB ontology
with optional
* instance data..
* @param getInstanceData If true, return the instance
data as well.
* @param ignoreCache If true, query ontology from
database, not the stored version.
* @response.representation.200.mediaType application/rdf+xml
* @response.representation.200.doc This is the representation
returned by default.
* @return A response containing the ontology and instance
data if requested.
@GET //_at_Path("rdf")
public synchronized Response getRDF(
@QueryParam("ind") @DefaultValue("false")
Boolean getInstanceData,
@DefaultValue("false") Boolean ignoreCache)
System.out.println("getRDF - getInstanceData=" +
getInstanceData + " ignoreCache=" + ignoreCache);
// commented out for brevity
public synchronized Response getNTRIPLE(
@QueryParam("ind") @DefaultValue("false")
Boolean getInstanceData,
@DefaultValue("false") Boolean ignoreCache)
System.out.println("getNTRIPLE - getInstanceData=" +
getInstanceData + " ignoreCache=" + ignoreCache);
System.out.println("httpHeaders acceptable media types:
" + httpHeaders.getAcceptableMediaTypes());
// commented out for brevity
public synchronized Response getN3(
@QueryParam("ind") @DefaultValue("false")
Boolean getInstanceData,
@DefaultValue("false") Boolean ignoreCache)
System.out.println("getN3 - getInstanceData=" +
getInstanceData + " ignoreCache=" + ignoreCache);
// commented out for brevity
The CnodbMediaType-s are from this file:
public class CnodbMediaType {
public static final String TEXT_N3 = "text/n3";
public static final MediaType TEXT_N3_TYPE = new
public final static String APPLICATION_RDF_XML =
public final static MediaType APPLICATION_RDF_XML_TYPE = new
public static final String TEXT_NTRIPLE = "text/ntriple";
public static final MediaType TEXT_NTRIPLE_TYPE = new
My Package resource configuration file is mapping the extension "rdf" to
application/rdf+xml, "nt" to text/ntriple and "n3" to text/n3 as
public class CnodbRestResourceConfig extends PackagesResourceConfig {
* This constructor defines the root package for the Jersey
* to use to find resource end-points.
public CnodbRestResourceConfig() {
* This method returns the current media type mappings that
translate a
* file extension on a URI into a desired {_at_link MediaType}.
* @return The mappings from extension to media
* @see
public Map<String, MediaType> getMediaTypeMappings() {
Map<String, MediaType> m = new HashMap<String, MediaType>();
m.put("xml", MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE);
m.put("json", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
m.put("html", MediaType.TEXT_HTML_TYPE);
m.put("n3", CnodbMediaType.TEXT_N3_TYPE);
m.put("rdf", CnodbMediaType.APPLICATION_RDF_XML_TYPE);
m.put("nt", CnodbMediaType.TEXT_NTRIPLE_TYPE);
return m;
If I specify a URL:
http://localhost:7001/cnodb/rest/v1/ontology.rdf or
http://localhost:7001/cnodb/rest/v1/ontology.n3 the appropriate resource
methods are called but if I specify
http://localhost:7001/cnodb/rest/v1/ontology.nt, I don't get a response
and the resource method getNTRIPLE(...) doea not appear to get called.
Is there a way I can intercept the HTTP request to view the 'accept'
header and see if in fact the .nt suffix is being mapped properly?
Mark A. Rabick
Software Engineer
Northrop Grumman - Integrated Mission Systems (IS/DSD/IMS)
3200 Samson Way
Bellevue, NE 68123
Em: mark.rabick_at_ngc.com
Remember PFC Ross A. McGinnis...
... MA2 Michael A. Monsoor, Lt. Michael P. Murphy, Cpl. Jason Dunham,
SFC Paul Ray Smith and the rest...