2009/8/17 Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com>:
> On Aug 17, 2009, at 1:09 PM, James Strachan wrote:
> Hmm... perhaps even better one could inject the contextual information for a
> provider e.g.:
> @Provides
> public Logger providerLogger(InjectionContext ic) {
> return Logger.getLogger(ic.getTarget());
> }
> Agreed! I like the idea of just passing the binding annotation or the
> injection context as a parameter to @Provides methods. (I really like
> @Provides methods!)
> Me too.
> BTW the spi package already has a nice InjectionPoint class ready to
> be passed in to provider methods. Am sure it would be fairly easy to
> allow it to be passed into provider methods...
> OK.
> Then i might be able to do something for Jersey/JAX-RS like the following:
> bindAnnotation(QueryParam.class).
> toProvider(QueryParamProvider.class).
> inScope(RequestScoped.class);
> public class QueryParamProvider implements Provider<?> {
> @Inject
> public QueryParamProvider(InjectionContext ic) {
> // Analyze type and annotations, throw exception if it cannot be
> supported.
> // Store state on the provider
> }
> ...
> }
> Yeah. The argument crazybob often uses on the list is that you can
> enumerate all values of your binding annotations and then bind a
> specific value (or set of values) for an annotation to a specific
> instance/provider in the binding. But that feels kinda dirty to me!
> I would be willing to compromise on the above if InjectionPoint could be
> injected, small steps :-)
> I guess that would mean we do not require a bindAnnotation method and could
> do just:
> bind(String.class).annotatedWith(QueryParam.class).toProvider(QueryParamProvider.class);
> (I am not sure if Guice will barf if other annotations are present with
> QueryParam, e.g. @DefaultValue).
Guice barfs if more than one annotation is used which is annotated
with @BindingAnnotation; so maybe you can avoid the @BindingAnnotation
on @DefaultValue?
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