Re: [Jersey] Re: resources inheritance

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 10:16:17 +0200

On Aug 12, 2009, at 10:01 AM, Martin Probst wrote:

>> But when something like Collection<T> or
>> Map<K, V> is returned the problem gets harder and i have not solved
>> it yet
>> to support a general resolving mechanism for any type variable
>> embedded
>> within a parameterized type.
> I think it's pretty much impossible to solve this correctly, due to
> erasure.

It is possible when the return type is declared. Which is why Jersey
can support the following:

   public class A<T>
     public T post(T t) {
       return t;

   public class B<String> extends A {}

Jersey looks at the generic type returned by a resource method and if
it is a type variable it will traverse the classes to determine that
String corresponds to T.

However the following is more problematic:

   public class A<Collection<T>>
     public Collection<T> post(Collection<T> t) {
       return t;

And, although i have not tested it, i suspect the following is also

   public class A<T>
     public Response post(T t) {
       GenericEntity<T> ge = new GenericEntity(t);
       return Response.entity(ge).build();

because the instance of "ge" will be processed when the returning
class and concrete class are not available to resolve T.


> You could probably pick a MessageBodyWriter for the type declared on
> the method (as opposed to the actual type returned), which would get
> you closer, but that's probably an awkward solution that will then
> byte even more people...
> Martin
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