Re: [Jersey] Re: resources inheritance

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 09:42:04 +0200

On Aug 12, 2009, at 9:23 AM, Felipe Gaścho wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> no, I don't use Vector.. it is just the message from jersey :)

The Java type logged will originate from the class of entity returned:

So for:

        public Collection<T> selectAll(@PathParam("offset") int offset,
                        @PathParam("limit") int limit) {
                return getFacade().readAll(offset, limit);

What is returned by readAll is an implementation of Vector (which
implements Collection).


>> To fix the issue, you need to use a GenericEntity.
> ?? what you mean ?
> I fixed with arrays.. but still I need to provide a concrete array as
> parameter (a hook method acutally) in order to allow my service to
> respond the right type...
> as Sandoz commented, the type erasure of Generics do the mess :)
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