Re: [Jersey] _at_Consumes attribute not working as expected.....

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 11:03:46 +0200


I have fixed in the in the trunk.

Consuming "*/*" means that a resource method can consume a request
entity identified by any media type or no media type (if the Content-
Type request header is not present).


On Aug 8, 2009, at 1:39 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

> Hi,
> You have found an edge case when the Content-Type request header is
> absent from the request.
> If you performed the regular POST request with a Content-Type header
> present (with a value that is not of form urlencoded) then does it
> work for you?
> The absence of a Content-Type does not necessarily mean there is no
> entity (and vice versa, the presence of a Content-Type is not
> necessary mean there is an entity, see later).
> I think the fix would be if the Content-Type is absent then the set
> of resource methods that match are those that consume "*/*". Thus "*/
> *" declares any media type or none. Could you log an issue?
> The opposite edge cases is when content-type is present but there is
> no entity, which can occur say with WebDAV clients. For this case
> you can utilize an EntityHolder:
> Paul.
> On Aug 7, 2009, at 10:10 PM, Jalpesh Patadia wrote:
>> I think this is a bug, but I just wanted to confirm before I file it.
>> Here’s a sample of my code :
>> /** This method should trap normal posts */
>> @Path("test1")
>> @POST
>> public void testMethod(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {
>> System.out.println("Standard method.....");
>> }
>> /** Form based posts should throw an error */
>> @Path("test1")
>> @POST
>> public void formPostParameters(@Context HttpServletRequest
>> request, MultivaluedMap<String, String> params) {
>> System.out.println("Form post methods are not
>> supported.....");
>> }
>> What I’m seeing is that if I use a form based post (which has some
>> post parameters) from a browser, the second method is called and
>> the values of the form parameters are passed in correctly.
>> However If I use a regular post (same url), passing in query
>> parameters instead of form post parameters, I get an error code 415
>> – Unsupported media type.
>> I would assume that jersey would invoke the second method when a
>> form based post is encountered.
>> If a user did not specify a @Consumes annotation and is performing
>> a normal HTTP Post with only query parameters the first method
>> should be invoked.
>> Am I missing something in understanding the spec ? If so, how would
>> I accomplish my use case ? Basically I want to find out if a user
>> has specified some form post parameters, and I can’t read them from
>> the HttpServletRequest - the only possible way to do that is to
>> use the MultivaluedMap.
>> Thanks,
>> Jalpesh
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