On Aug 10, 2009, at 7:31 AM, MS wrote:
> Felipe Gaścho schrieb:
>> https://jaxb.dev.java.net/faq/JaxbCDATASample.java
> I am not sure how to integrate this approach in my Jersey application.
> Can I use a ContextResolver that provides the marshalled object? And
> if yes, what type should it return?
You can use a ContextResolver<Marshaller> to return an adapted
marshaler that uses XMLSerializer. You can use:
to help you implement the marshaller and you can override:
with functionality to create the XMLSerializer instance.
> Or do I have to write a new MessageBodyWriter?
>> perhaps URL Decode works as well
>> On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 10:01 PM, MS<da_bus_at_arcor.de> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have another question related to JAXB and Jersey. I would like
>>> to return
>>> an XML representation that contains CDATA, but apparently JAXB
>>> can't deal
>>> with it correctly. There is a FAQ entry on the JAXB page:
>>> https://jaxb.dev.java.net/faq/index.html#marshalling_cdata
>>> The XML content in the http request looks like this:
>>> <myXml>
>>> <tagWithCdata><![CDATA[<test>123</test>]]></tagWithCdata>
>>> </myXml>
>>> The String "tagWithCdata" in the Java object like this:
>>> "<test>123</test>"
>>> And the marshalled XML in the http response like this:
>>> <myXml>
>>> <tagWithCdata><test>123</test></tagWithCdata>
>>> </myXml>
>>> Does anyone have an idea what is the best way to get a response
>>> that looks
>>> like the request and includes CDATA?
>>> Thanks a lot!
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