2009/6/10 Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com>:
> Hi,
> I have added a new feature to the trunk, proposed by James.
> You can create a file "META-INF/services/jersey-server-components" to stick
> resource and/or provider classes. Such classes will be appended to the set
> of application declared classes via Application (ResourceConfig).
> There is an equivalent file for the client side
> "META-INF/services/jersey-client-components". I am not sure if this is a
> good idea or not, and instead we should just have one file, and the client
> will ignore anything it does not know what to do with.
> I have modified the jersey-multipart module to utilize these files, rather
> than the previous mechanism of registering using the interface provider
> name.
> Currently things are logged to INFO, but i can change that to CONFIG to
> reduce the noise if required.
Awesome stuff! And enjoy your vacation!
Open Source Integration