Generate WADL on runtime

From: António Mota <>
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 13:52:33 +0100

Hi all.

I've searched the archive and other places but what I found is not
applicable for my use case, so....

As I said in another post, I'm using only parts of Jersey in my app,
basically because we have to support protocols other than HTTP, so
basically I'm doing things within my own code that otherwise is done
already by Jersey.

So my problem now is that I have a bunch of Resources annotated with
Jersey/Jax-rs annotations, and now I want to generate a WADL for those
resources when they are invoked with a OPTIONS method.

Basically, I want to introspect the resource class and return everithing
that is Jersey/Jax-rs annotated. And only those, as I'm not using JAXB
in my project.

Is there something already in place for this?

I'm sorry if this is a obvious question and I didn't search well enough