Re: [Jersey] User defined exceptions

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 11:40:50 +0200

On Jul 17, 2009, at 11:15 AM, António Mota wrote:

> Remember that you can use user-specific codes "extending" the
> "normal" ones, like
> 500.1 - Not on Fridays
> 500.2 - Give me a break

To be clear the above do not conform to status code in the status line
of an HTTP response:

   Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF


   The Status-Code element is a 3-digit integer...

   Status-Code = ...

    extension-code = 3DIGIT


> That way you can treat them on your own clients using your used-
> specific codes, and all other clients simply ignore the "extensions"
> and behave accordingly the "main" code.
> Ricardo Borillo wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> Thanks for the clarifications :)
>> ---
>> Salut,
>> ====================================
>> Ricardo Borillo Domenech
>> On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 09:47, Paul Sandoz<>
>> wrote:
>>> On Jul 17, 2009, at 7:50 AM, Ricardo Borillo wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> When i start designing server side, i review some well known REST
>>>> APIs
>>>> implementations like Flickr or Twitter.
>>>> In Flickr API, an HTTP 200 error code is always returned:
>>> That is bad design. Often the reason for such a design is the
>>> implementation
>>> of the API is RPC-based.
>>> For example in the following the:
>>> To request the flickr.test.echo service, invoke like this:
>>> The use of the query parameter "method" is a big give away that
>>> this is not
>>> RESTful. Essentially HTTP is being used as transport protocol and
>>> not an
>>> application protocol.
>>>> My question is only about of what are the best practices for handle
>>>> normal responses and user defined exceptions in the client, using
>>>> Jersey and JAXB :)
>>>> Returning an HTTP 500 error code with the error information in the
>>>> messagebody, works perfect with the client API. But, This is the
>>>> proper way to implement it?
>>> Yes. If there is an error with the server side processing the client
>>> request, because it is incorrect, then a 400 status code should be
>>> used. If
>>> there is an error on the server side because it could not produce
>>> a response
>>> then a 500 status code should be used. If you require additional
>>> error
>>> information it can be sent in the response entity.
>>> The client API will thrown a UniformInterfaceException for status
>>> codes >=
>>> 300 for Java types other than ClientResponse.
>>> Paul.
>>>> Thanks for your help
>>>> ---
>>>> Salut,
>>>> ====================================
>>>> Ricardo Borillo Domenech
>>>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 23:14, tarjei<> wrote:
>>>>> On 07/16/2009 09:33 PM, Craig McClanahan wrote:
>>>>>> Ricardo Borillo wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I'm implementing my first REST API and i'm facing some design
>>>>>>> problems
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> In my server REST service i issue, through jaxb binding, an
>>>>>>> instance
>>>>>>> of a class in application/xml format.
>>>>>>> If an user defined exception arises, i issue an error message
>>>>>>> (i'm
>>>>>>> using an exception mapper) with an HTTP 200 error code:
>>>>> If you control the server side of the API, then you should try
>>>>> to answer
>>>>> with a HTTP 500 containing the error information in the
>>>>> responsebody -
>>>>> thus
>>>>> informing the client that there is an error on the other side.
>>>>> I'm not sure how well that works with the client API , but IMHO
>>>>> that is a
>>>>> cleaner option.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Tarjei
>>>>>>> <error code="1" />
>>>>>>> This error message is built with JAXB too.
>>>>>>> The question is how to manage this situation in the client. If
>>>>>>> i have:
>>>>>>> ClientResponse response = webResource.path("test/x").accept(
>>>>>>> MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).get(ClientResponse.class);
>>>>>>> if (response.getStatus() == 200)
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> return response.getEntity(MyJAXBEntity.class);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> throw new Exception(response.getStatus());
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> How can i know that i'm getting an error xml or other message
>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>> JAXB binding?
>>>>>>> How can i design this type of interaction?
>>>>>>> Thanks a lot and sorry if this is an obvious question :)
>>>>>> Would something like this work?
>>>>>> ClientResponse response = webResource.path("test/x").accept(
>>>>>> MediaType.APPLICATION_XML).get(ClientResponse.class);
>>>>>> if (response.getStatus() == 200)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> return response.getEntity(MyJAXBEntity.class);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> else
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> err = response.getEntity(MyErrorMessage.class);
>>>>>> throw new Exception(err.getCode());
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> where the MyErrorMessage class has a "code" property containing
>>>>>> a string
>>>>>> representation of the "code" value.
>>>>>> Craig
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> Salut,
>>>>>>> ====================================
>>>>>>> Ricardo Borillo Domenech
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