Re: [Jersey] Re: roll-your-own Guice

From: Bill de hOra <>
Date: Sat, 04 Jul 2009 11:41:24 +0100

Christopher Piggott wrote:
> I fixed that. Again, the web.xml had a problem. When you define a
> <filter> you apparently have to also define a <filter-mapping> that
> matches it. Looking at the example in
> I thought that if you didn't declare a filter-mapping it would default
> to mapping to everything. Apparently not. (I should have known this
> - I had the same problem the first time I ever declared a <servlet>
> without a <servlet-mapping>)
> Apologies for what turned out to be a problem with my tomcat
> configuration, really having nothing to do with jersey.
> So ... I have a more-or-less complete example now, using guice, tomcat
> 6.0.18, and jersey 1.1.0-ea. If anybody needs any snippets on how I
> made this work please let me know. It is all a lot of fun once you
> get it going.

It's more or less what I wound up with as well.

This bit's interesting:


it gives me an error because GuiceContainer does not extends HttpServlet
so I end up only using filter("/*").through. What dependencies are you

I ran into a JSP rendering problem with Guice; apparently it's a known
bug with the way things are forwarded. The workaround for me is not to
put the Guice filter into web.xml for injection, instead I have jersey
resources inject their fields manually (which kind of sucks
unfortunately). That or ensure Guice's filter is not in the same
url-pattern scope as the the JSPs.
