Re: [Jersey] implicit views to allow $className.extension, rather than $className/index.extension?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 18:19:01 +0200

On May 22, 2009, at 5:31 PM, James Strachan wrote:

> Just a thought. It can be a bit painful making all those directories
> which just contain index.jsp (or index.velocity or index.html or
> whatever).

Yes, i can see why this might be a pain.

> I just wondered if others had thought of supporting just
> $className.[jsp|html|velocity] as the name as a fallback?

That would require a change to the
com.sun.jersey.server.impl.template.TemplateFactory, which currently
only does:

     private String getAbsolutePath(Class<?> resourceClass, String
path) {
         return getAbsolutePath(resourceClass) + '/' + path;

     private String getAbsolutePath(Class<?> resourceClass) {
         return "/" + resourceClass.getName().replace('.',
'/').replace('$', '/');

I decide to make such a behavior independent of the template
processors and so is not configurable, but it would be easier to
include such a fall back you described. However, i am wondering if we
need to define something pluggable and maybe via a template processor
to absolutize?

The complete behavior is implemented as follows:

     private ResolvedViewable resolveRelativeViewable(Viewable v,
Class<?> resolvingClass) {
         String path = v.getTemplateName();
         if (path == null || path.length() == 0)
             path = "index";

         for (Class c = resolvingClass; c != Object.class; c =
c.getSuperclass()) {
             String absolutePath = getAbsolutePath(c, path);

             for (TemplateProcessor t : getTemplateProcessors()) {
                 String resolvedPath = t.resolve(absolutePath);
                 if (resolvedPath != null) {
                     return new ResolvedViewable(t, resolvedPath,
v.getModel(), c);

         return null;
