Re: [Jersey] Design Question / Sub Resources

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 16:56:30 +0200

On May 19, 2009, at 4:51 PM, Rabick, Mark A (IS) wrote:

>> It is possible to inject information into sub-resources using the
> ResourceContext class.
> So based on the above statement, will the retrieved sub-resource
> instance perform injection of its @Context elements as well as other
> @Provider injections like an InjectableProvider like annotation
> mappers?

Yes, the returned instance is a managed instance, so it will also be
scoped according to the life-cycle. It should work no matter how the
component is managed, by Jersey, Guice, Spring, or EJB integration
with GF v3.


> Ie.
> @Provider
> public class EJBProvider implements InjectableProvider<EJB, Type>
> For injecting ejb-s using the javax.ejb.EJB annotation of session bean
> remotes?
> -mark
> _______________________________________________
> Mark A. Rabick - Software Engineer
> Em:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 8:09 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Jersey] Design Question / Sub Resources
>> On May 19, 2009, at 12:31 PM, aloleary wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I may be having a slow day today but I'm trying to figure
>> out how to
>>> do the following:
>>> Very simple example: I have two root "resource" providers:
>>> /headoffice
>>> /branch
>>> where:
>>> GET on /headoffice returns a list of headoffice names GET on
>>> /branchreturns a list of all branch names
>>> I would like to use the BranchResource as a Sub Resource
>> provider on
>>> HeadOfficeResource for re-use and to offer calls like:
>>> /headoffice/{id}/branch
>>> /headoffice/{id}/branch/{id} etc...
>>> So now the branch resource is providing information on the
>> branch but
>>> scoped for a specific headoffice (the headoffice 'id' would
>> be used in
>>> DB queries
>>> etc)
>>> However Im not sure how to annotate the HeadOfficeResource to allow
>>> this
>>> @Path("/headoffice")
>>> public cleass HeadOfficeResource {
>>> ....
>>> // ------------------------------------
>>> // Sub Resources
>>> @Path("{id}/branch") << ??
>>> public BranchResource getBranchResource(); << ??
>>> }
>>> I know there is no injection done for sub resources so
>> there is no way
>>> for me to get access to this particular {id} so is it a case of
>>> supplying the
>>> getBranchResource() with the id as a constructor param and
>> using that
>>> with the calls i.e.:
>>> public BranchResource getBranchResource(@PathParam("id")
>> final String
>>> headOfficeId) {
>>> return new BranchResource(headOfficeId); }
>>> Is there a better more JAX-RS/Jersey way of approaching this ?
>>> I would like to avoid having GlobalBranchResource and
>>> HeadOfficeSpecifcBranchResource ;-) if possible
>> I think subclassing might be a good solution in some
>> circumstances if the subclass contains specific information
>> related to the scoping that is not present in the base class.
>> It is possible to inject information into sub-resources using
>> the ResourceContext class.
>> @Path("{id}/branch")
>> public BranchResource getBranchResource(@Context ResourceContext
>> rc) {
>> ScopedBranchResource sbr =
>> rc.getReource(ScopedBranchResource.class);
>> ...
>> return sbr;
>> }
>> As of yet i have not been able to come up with a satisfactory
>> solution for construction with type safe parameters and injection.
>> Paul.
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