SV: [Jersey] Output formatting.

From: Wilhelmsen Tor Iver <>
Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 20:51:11 +0200

        When this has been marshalled into the XML file if the date
field is null, my output does not have that element in it. What I want
to do is include all the fields in the output; and if they are null,
replace them with - say a blank. So for "application/xml" the output
should be :







You have the option of doing

        public Date date = null;

This will (by default, using JAXB.marshal() for testing in my case) lead
to output like

        <date xsi:nil="true"

which is not the format you want but at least it is there - and it is
more explicit about being null than just the "empty" case.

My test code:

public class JAXBTest {

        public int foo = 42;
        public Date date = null;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                JAXBTest object = new JAXBTest();
                StringWriter dest = new StringWriter();
                JAXB.marshal(object, dest);

- Tor Iver