[Jersey] Jersey JAXB Inheritance

From: Kytömäki, Janne <>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 10:18:45 +0200


There might still be a problem with JsonXmlStreamReader and empty
JSON objects. Posting an object like "{a: { b: {}, c: 'foo',
d: 'bar' } }" doesn't throw an exception now, but
the deserialized object has a null value in
property 'c'. The readNext method apparently
doesn't update its inner status properly when
reading the closing brace of the empty object
'{}'. I opened a new issue #294 for this.


Jakub wrote:
>> By the way, testing out Jersey 1.1.0ea, I came across a JSON
>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: local part cannot be "nu
>> at javax.xml.namespace.QName.<init>(
>> at javax.xml.namespace.QName.<init>(
>> at com.sun.jersey.json.impl.reader.JsonXmlStreamRead
>> Is "{a: { b: {} } }" illegal syntax? In any case, the same u
>> if (!"$".equals(name)) {
>> to
>> if (!"$".equals(name) && name != null) {
>> seemed to fix the problem.
>Thanks for the tip. Will add a test case and check the fix in.