Re: [Jersey] Polymorphic deserialization of JSON?

From: Felipe Gaúcho <>
Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 15:51:58 +0200

I am doing that.. with subclasses of JPA entities.. it works ..

like that:

notice the two service calls reads the same entity from the database,
but in one path I have a partial view on the entity, while in the
other path I have the complete representation...

I am trying to finish the articles about that.. despoite the flu and
the time :) eheh

Meanwhile, you can checkout my code from footprint:

svn checkout
footprint --username guest
cd footprint
mvn clean install

and then you have the EAR file in the footprint-service/target
folder.. just start the database, the glassfish and then deploy this

and keep asking here if you like the solution and if you have
questions about it......