Re: [Jersey] More: handling urls with {

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 11:42:06 +0200

Hi Carmen,

On Mar 31, 2009, at 11:43 PM, Carmen Delessio wrote:

> I've hit the same issue and wanted to provide a specific scenario.
> I am using the Jersey Client to talk directly to the Facebook Rest
> server.
> It working well, but some Facebook requests take JSONArrays as
> paramaters.
> This is an example of what is expected as a Facebook parameter
> "images":[{ "src":"http:\/\/\/images\/image1.gif",
> "href":"http:\/\/" }]
> My code looks something like:
> UriBuilder ub =UriBuilder.fromPath(
> facebookRestServer);
> ...
> ub.queryParam("template_data", stringWithCurlyBrackets);
> URI uri =;
> resource = restClient.resource(uri);
> restResponse =resource.get(ClientResponse.class);
> A workaround would be great and if I'm going in the wrong direction,
> please let me know.
> I've tried to work around this by replacing { with %7b, but that led
> to some issues with Facebook signatures. I will continue on that path.

That is what i was going to recommend, percent encode the '{' and '}'
as they are not valid characters in the URI (and strictly speaking it
is the same for the '[' and ']' characters) .

   String e = UriComponent.contextualEncode(

   ub.queryParam("template_data", e);

The problem is quite fundamental because:

         URI u = URI.create("http://localhost:8080/path?a={curly}");

results in an illegal argument exception so to use the client API it
is necessary to percent encode the curlies.
