On Apr 2, 2009, at 2:43 PM, James Strachan wrote:
>> s/_at_Produces/_at_ImplicitProduces
> I was just referring to your previous comment....
>>>> Perhaps there are other ways we can improve this as well.
>>>> e.g. @Produces on a template processor?
> That we might wanna use the @Produces - with the qs=X modifier - (when
> the spec has changed and Jersey supports such a thing) on template
> processors. I was thinking generically, but I guess using
> @ImplicitProduces is fine on a template processor such as Velocity as
> thats gonna be used for implicit views too - but I kinda thought the
> mime type quality (qs=X) should eventually be independent of whether
> or not implicit views are used.
OK, understood, and agree. Just want to be clear to others that this
feature is not ready yet :-)