Re: [Jersey] _at_ImplicitProduces and priorities <was> Re: [Jersey] prioritising HTML representations in web applications when using implicit or explicit views

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 09:51:34 +0200


Are you using @ImplicitProduces ? and implicit views?

IIRC the accept header sent by Safari (or Chrome?) is such that text/
xml is the most acceptable.

You need to use @ImplicitProduces to ensure that text/html or whatever
is required is the most acceptable.

For example:


the "qs" value will be multiplied by the 'q' value in the Accept
header and the result will be used to sort media types to find the
most acceptable one with the highest result.

If you are using explicit views for everything (HTML and XML) then you
will need to utilize a filter to modify the accept header and change
the order of the media types so that the HTML media type is the most
preferred. Which should also work if you do not want to use the
@ImplicitProduces annotation.


On Apr 2, 2009, at 7:54 AM, Dusan Hornik wrote:

> Hello
> I am trying to use Jersey and velocity template processor to render
> the vm pages.
> My problem is that the content-type I am getting in response is text/
> xml for Webkit browsers (Safari, Chrome).
> To reproduce this I created DummTemplateProcessor class in bookstore
> 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT
> ---
> @Provider
> public class DummyTemplateProcessor implements TemplateProcessor
> {
> public String resolve(final String name)
> {
> return name;
> }
> public void writeTo(final String fullyQualifedName, final Object
> model, final OutputStream out) throws IOException
> {
> final DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = new
> DataOutputStream(out);
> dataOutputStream.writeBytes("<html><body>"+fullyQualifedName +
> " <br></body></html>");
> }
> }
> ---
> Accessing http://localhost:8080/bookstore/anystring from webkit
> browser will return "<html><body>anystring <br></body></html>" with
> content type text/xml.
> James Strachan wrote:
>> 2009/2/5 Paul Sandoz <>:
>>> On Feb 4, 2009, at 6:45 PM, James Strachan wrote:
>>>> Its much less essential, but supporting the nicer new MIME
>>>> strings on
>>>> @Produces would be great too - so you can use a single constant in
>>>> your code to refer to a set of MIME types (e.g. application/xml,
>>>> text/xml and application/json for example) to avoid having to cut
>>>> and
>>>> paste a String[] expression in each method using the @Produces
>>>> annotation.
>>>> I've raised an issue for this so we don't forget - but its more a
>>>> case
>>>> of making things more consistent and DRY, so way less important
>>>> than
>>>> support in @ImplicitProduces :)
>>> Thanks, for now i am not implementing proposed JAX-RS 1.1 features
>>> because
>>> they have yet to be approved. Once approved i will start
>>> implementing such
>>> features in earnest!
>> Cool no worries! Just wanted to pop a test case in the issue tracker
>> before I forgot.
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