Thanks good to hear on right track...
I am also currently investigating whether to make the JAXB Beans == JPA
Entities and have one "source" of shared data ... from an XML and
Persistence point of view...
The Swing client has an embedded JavaDB database for an offline "cache" of
the information so essentially using the same (or pretty similar) JPA
entities again so essentially I have the following:
[Over Internet (https+basic_auth)]
Something I would like from performance/memory point of view is to go from
DB to JSON/XML without hydrating everything into lists of java objects first
which are then converted via JAXB but I dont see a fast way of doing that
right now..
Felipe Gaúcho wrote:
>> 2: Is this a "sane" approach ?
> This is a nice approach.. I am using it and so far I have high
> performance and scalability..
> about the client side, you can use the Jersey client API.. nice and easy..
> * the test framework of Jersey is also very nice, but I am using EJBs
> in the server side, so I lost my chance to adopt it :) Grizzly fail to
> inject the EJBs and the rest interface throws a null pointer exception
> ,............
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