Hi Mark,
On Wed, 2009-04-22 at 17:11 -0500, Rabick, Mark A (IS) wrote:
> I posted this as a question on Paul's blog post:
> http://blogs.sun.com/sandoz/entry/jersey_1_0_3_is
> I asked:
> Regarding:
> >Developer defined WADL-based resource classes, inspired by
> James Strachan's use of WADL and Jersey MVC.
> Injecting WadlApplicationContext enables access to the WADL
> JAXB representation for the application.
> Is there a sample that demonstrates the generation of a WADL
> that includes the XSD of JAX-B annotated entities? Is it
> possible to generate a WADL outside of having to deploy the
> web-app and visit URI:
> http://host:port/<resource-base>/application.wadl ??
This is shown by the generate-wadl-sample:
This also makes use of beans generated from xsd, and the generated wadl
includes the schema.xsd (with the grammars element), xml elements are
referenced by represenations.
When you process this wadl with the wadl_documentation.xsl (see
https://wadl.dev.java.net/), the parts of the xsd are included in the
generated html.
> Arul responded with a blog post illustrating how to render the xml
> wadl formatted using XSLT. I would like to have included in the wadl
> in whatever format it is in to link to a generated XSD based on a set
> of JAXB annotated entities.
> Any ideaa?
> -mark
> _______________________________________________
> Mark A. Rabick
> Em: mark.rabick_at_ngc.com
Martin Grotzke