Re: Aw: Re: Aw: Re: [Jersey] A blog entry on using the Jersey Test Framework

From: Naresh <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 09:49:24 +0530 wrote:
> Hi Naresh,
> I think you are right, the "container.type" property is not getting set, I just get "CONTAINER TYPE :: null"
I thought so. Which version of Maven are you using?

> M.S.
>> Hi M.S.,
>> since you are unable to get none of those samples work with
>> EmbeddedGF, and are getting the same NoSuchMethodError, I suspect the
>> "container.type" property is not getting set.
>> Can you please do this:
>> 1. In one of the sample, say HelloWorld, edit the class,
>> and put the following statement after the call to "super()" constructor:
>> System.out.println("CONTAINER TYPE :: " +
>> System.getProperty("container.type"));
>> 2. Run the test with: mvn clean test -Dcontainer.type=EmbeddedGF
>> 3. See if you get CONTAINER TYPE :: EmbeddedGF in the console
>> 4. Alternatively, if you do not want to modify any code, run the following:
>> mvn clean test -Dcontainer.type=INVALID
>> You should see a BUILD FAILURE, if things are working fine.
>> -Naresh
>> wrote:(
>>> Hi,
>>> I get the same java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when I try tro run the examples
>> with EmbeddedGF and all tests pass when I use Grizzly. I'm using Java
>> version 1.6.0_11 on Windows XP.
>>> Cheers,
>>> M.S.
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