Re: [Jersey] Jersey 1.0.3 released

From: Tatu Saloranta <>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 14:29:55 -0700

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Richard Wallace
<> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 9:07 AM, Tatu Saloranta <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:54 AM, Richard Wallace <> wrote:
>> ...
>>> Anyways, even if the Jersey OSGi integration isn't perfect I don't
>>> think you should throw the baby out with the bath water with the
>>> jersey-bundle jar and remove all the manifest headers.
>> I agree. For other projects I'm involved with, OSGi headers are added
>> even if services-introspection isn't available: you can still
>> instantiate implementation directly, or using injection-dependency
>> framework.
>>> I'm also curious if you guys ever tried something like is mentioned in
>>> this blog <>.
>>> I know it was brought up on the list before, but it doesn't seem like
>>> anything came of it. If you'd like I can try patching Jersey and see
>> For me the best suggestion (from comments there was) using a simple
>> OSGi-services based solution. But that needs at least de facto
>> standard between implementations of specific standard; and ideally a
>> standard from within JSR in question.
>> With Stax, for example, I did implement OSGi services based
>> alternative included in Stax2 extensions (so far implemented by
>> Woodstox and Aalto), and that was rather straight-forward. But the
>> next step (settling on one approach, standardizing it) is the hard
>> part.
> Well, I think it would be nice to at least get something going for
> Jersey. After that we can figure out how to get it standardized and
> get other implementations using it - let's just take it one step at a
> time. :)

Fully agreed.

> As I said, I'm about to head out on vacation but I'll take a look at
> it in more detail when I get back. Which comment is it that you're
> talking about, the one from Christian Schneider? Can you provide


> links to the work you did for Stax?

It's trivially simple, Stax2 API is included withing woodstox repo, so
javadocs at:

and specifically package "org.codehaus.stax2.osgi",

are all there is. Plus trivial implementation of course.

I suspect there may be better ways, and/or the whole concept could be
further generalized, but seems simple enough.

Getting Jersey to work bit better on 'generic' OSGi would be great.

-+ Tatu +-