Paul Sandoz wrote:
> On Apr 1, 2009, at 3:59 PM, Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>> On Apr 1, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>>>> Hi Paul,
>>>> If the jsonString represents List<PostalAddressType> where
>>>> PostalAddressType is my JAXB generated bean then what should c be
>>>> and how can I create an instance. Sorry for asking such a basic
>>>> question. Also I note that the second arg to getMessageBodyReader
>>>> is of a different type. I can get that with following code (thanks
>>>> Marc):
>>>> GenericEntity<List<PostalAddressType>> entityPostalAddresses =
>>>> new
>>>> GenericEntity<List<PostalAddressType>>(listPostalAddresses) {};
>>>> Type genericTypePostalAddresses = entityPostalAddresses.getType();
>>>> So my call looks like:
>>>> providers.getMessageBodyReader(??, genericTypePostalAddresses,
>>>> (java.lang.annotation.Annotation[])null, "application/json");
>>>> and I am unsure how to get the first param in the call.
>> I just realized that the formParams are returned in a MultiValuedMap
>> where the key PostalAddress has a List<String> value which looks like
>> below when using MultiValuedMap.toString()
>> PostalAddress=[{streetNumber:"65",street:"Marla
>> Ln.",stateOrProvince:"MA",postalCode:"01867",country:"USA",city:"Reading"},
>> {streetNumber:"1",street:"Main
>> St.",stateOrProvince:"MA",postalCode:"01867",country:"USA",city:"Reading"}]
>> So I have a List<String> that I need to convert to
>> List<PostalAddressType> where PostalAddressType is the JAXB generated
>> bean class.
> The List<String> is returned because there could be more than one form
> parameter "PostalAddress" declared. It is the same for query
> parameters e.g. http://host:8080/path?a=one&a=two
> If you like you can also use:
> @FormParam("PostalAddress") String postalAddress
> or
> @FormParam("PostalAddress") List<String> postalAddresses
> the former will obtain the first parameter value for the parameter
> name "PostalAddress", where as the latter will obtain all values.
I do have multiple values that need to be supported so the latter of
above is what I am using.
>> Does this mean that I need to convert each String in List<String> to
>> PostalAddressType or can I convert List<String> to convert to
>> List<PostalAddressType> directly?
> The former.
OK so my code now looks like this:
List<String> postalAddresses = ...
for (String postalAddressStr : postalAddresses) {
MessageBodyReader r =
PostalAddressType.class, new Annotation[1],
PostalAddressType postalAddress = (PostalAddressType)
r.readFrom(PostalAddressType.class, PostalAddressType.class, new
Annotation[1], MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE,
new InBoundHeaders(),
new ByteArrayInputStream(postalAddressStr.getBytes()));
I am now getting following exception:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not supported yet.
Again I suspect I have the first and/or second params to
providers.getMessageBodyReader and r.readFrom set incorrectly because I
do not understand what is expected there.
Perhaps explaining what is expected there would help prevent ongoing
confusion in my mind.
I am very grateful for your help. Thank you.
>> I would not be asking such detailed questions except that I am
>> finding the Provoiders.getMessageBodyReader params type and
>> genericType not obvious. Perhaps its my lack of clarity on java
>> generics.
> Using arrays is easier.