unfortunately not ... but I mapped the problem symptom :
the JPA annotation @GeneratedValue
causes problems with JAXB ..
If I remove this annotation, everything works... but if I include I
have the following exception:
java.lang.ClassFormatError: Absent Code attribute in method that is
not native or abstract in class file javax/persistence/GenerationType
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:621)
This is a sample of class where the problem happens:
@XmlType(namespace = "
public abstract class AbstractFootprintEntity implements Serializable {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) // here :(
private long id;
apparently the annotation GenerationType is not serializable by the
JAXB framework....
if one of you know a trick or workaround, please ...