RE: [Jersey] Injection into HeaderDelegateProvider

From: Tim Edwards <>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 16:03:20 +0100

Thanks Paul. I had suspected that was the case, I was resigned to it
once I noticed CacheControl, MediaType, etc.. have Delegates as static
fields but I thought it was worth asking just in case.
I have logged an issue, #270. This may not be the place to ask but when
you mention the fix will be a little work, I assume you mean it would
actually be quite involved instead of a small patch I could plausibly do
myself & contribute back?


From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: 09 April 2009 16:54
Subject: Re: [Jersey] Injection into HeaderDelegateProvider

Hi Tim,

Unfortunately this is not currently possible.

The HeaderDelegateProvider instances do not behave like other provider

The reason is because the JAX-RS HeaderDelegate class is exposed via the
RuntimeDelegate which gets instantiated without any contextual
information. And, the header delegate instances are used by some of the
classes in JAX-RS e.g. MediaType as static fields.

I think there are ways we can support what you require, but it will
require a little work. Could you log an issue?


On Apr 9, 2009, at 5:24 PM, Tim Edwards wrote:


        Is it possible to inject values into a HeaderDelegateProvider?
Basically I have a HeaderDelegateProvider I wish to provide some
configuration so it is capable of reading/writing the header value, I
can't have the information statically within the class and I don't see
an obvious way to make it available.


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