Let me study this blog. It seems to answer my question:
Farrukh Najmi wrote:
> I suspect this one has been discussed before but I did not find
> anything in archives...
> In me jersey server I want to expose the same resource in multiple
> output formats. The current thinking is that the format will be
> specified in the URL as a parameter rather than a path segment of the
> URL.
> Thus to get XML response the URL pattern would be:
> /search?queryId=foo&queryParams1=bar&format=text/xml
> and to get JSON response the URL pattern would be:
> /search?queryId=foo&queryParams1=bar&format=application/json
> This would require having two methods in the server with same @Path
> but different @Produces annotations:
> @Path("/search")
> @GET
> @Produces("text/xml")
> public Response searchXML() throws JAXBException {
> String resp = searchInternal();
> return Response.status(200).entity(resp).build();//"OK"
> }
> @Path("/search")
> @GET
> @Produces("application/json")
> public Response searchJSON() throws JAXBException {
> String resp = searchInternal();
> return Response.status(200).entity(resp).build();//"OK"
> }
> What I am not sure of is how to specify the "format" parameter for
> each method.
> Thanks for your help.
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