Hi Matthieu,
I originally used java.net.Authenticator.setDefault() but had problems
setting it to null after each test (as in it would continue to send the
same credentials). The other way to do it, as detailed in the thread
that you mention, is to add a filter to the Jersey client which will
create the HTTP Authorization header in the outgoing message which is
required for Basic authentication.
The following code snippet requires the Apache Commons Digest library to
do the Base64 encoding:
class BasicAuthenticationFilter extends ClientFilter {
private String username;
private String password;
public BasicAuthenticationFilter(String username, String password) {
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
public ClientResponse handle(ClientRequest cr) throws
ClientHandlerException {
if (null != username && null != password) {
byte[] unencoded = (username + ":" +
byte[] cred = new Base64().encode(unencoded);
String credString = new String(cred);
String authHeader = "Basic " + credString;
cr.getMetadata().add("authorization", authHeader);
// Call the next client handler in the filter chain
return this.getNext().handle(cr);
and then you just add it to the client like so:
Client client = Client.create();
ClientFilter authFilter = new BasicAuthenticationFilter("userid",
There's a minor issue (#196) which was fixed today in the trunk (thanks
Paul!) which means that client.removeFilter(authFilter) will throw an
exception, but then I'm only removing the filter because in some tests I
wanted to change the credentials. I just worked around it by calling
client.removeAllFilters() because that was the only filter I had attached.
Obviously the above filter is pretty rough and won't do everything such
as only sending the credentials when requested by the server etc. but
it's something else that may fit the bill if Authenticator.setDefault()
doesn't quite work.
Hope this helps,
Paul Sandoz wrote:
> On Jan 28, 2009, at 5:22 PM, Matthieu Riou wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was wondering what were the options to do Basic Auth with the Jersey
>> client in 1.0.1. I've seen an e-mail thread dating back from November
>> where a patch had been proposed but it doesn't seem it's been
>> integrated in 1.0.1 or maybe in a different form. I've been staring at
>> the Javadoc for quite some time but couldn't find anything that looked
>> like auth methods.
> Currently the only way is to use the java.net.Authenticator [1] because
> by default HttpURLConnection is utilized. Which is not ideal because it
> is a static, per JVM, configuration.
> We are working on support using the Apache HTTP client where basic auth
> can be set up on a per client basis. I hope this can make the 1.0.2
> release, i just need to work on the implementation to ensure it is
> thread safe.
> Paul.
> [1] http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/net/http-auth.html
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