2009/1/28 Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com>:
> On Jan 28, 2009, at 9:34 AM, james.strachan_at_gmail.com wrote:
>> Could a client API be included in a 1.1 maintenance release, or is
>> that a stretch too far :-)
> Unfortunately the latter. A maintenance release is not suitable for new
> features of the scope of the client API.
It was worth a try :)
While I'm pushing my luck, how about adding support for the ;q=1.0
type priority/quality modifier to 1.1?
Its a fairly minor change to the spec (no API change and a minor spec
update describing the sorting algorithm)? Until 2.0 it could even be
declared as an optional feature respecting the quality in sort order
(since there's nothing to stop you using RFC2296 mime types in JAX-RS
now) so that JAX-RS implementations don't have to implement it but
they are encouraged if possible.
Due to
https://jsr311.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=64 1.1 is
already having a minor change to support comma separated MIME types in
@Produces/_at_Consumes so it might be a good time to do both together?
(commas and ;q=1.0 allowed when parsing MIME strings in JAX-RS).
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