On Jan 28, 2009, at 4:57 AM, Gili wrote:
> I tried running Proguard against my code and I just noticed that
> FormDataMultiPartDispatchProvider$FormDataMultiPartParamInjectable
> depends
> on com.sun.jersey.server.impl.inject.AbstractHttpContextInjectable
> Isn't contrib/multipart supposed to be independent of the server
> module?
Not necessarily. The above piece of functionality is server side
specific and related to @FormParam support for multipart/form-data for
resource methods. We are currently working to transition such
functionality from jersey-server to jersey-multipart so that the
multipart implementation is leveraged.
However, the code should be independent of the implementation packages
of jersey-server. There should be no requirement that the jersey-
server module be depended on, since the functionality will never be
used without jersey-server anyway, and for the client the
functionality will never be loaded.