Re: [Jersey] prioritising HTML representations in web applications when using implicit or explicit views

From: James Strachan <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 23:47:59 +0000

2009/1/27 James Strachan <>:
> Awesome stuff Paul, many thanks! Taking it for a spin now...

It works like a charm! Great stuff Paul!

I've attached a patch to issue 190

which has refactored the testing code to use Jetty rather than
GlassFish (until someone works out how to get GlassFish embedded and
JSTL to work nicely with Maven/SureFire). I've left the GlassFish code
intact in a WebContainerFacade implementation so we should hopefully
be able to test in both one day quite easily. (See the
createWebContainerFacade() in TestSupport for details).

The tests now check Bookstore and Item resources as HTML and XML and
things all appear to work perfectly now the @ImplicitProduces is being
used! Thanks again Paul!

Open Source Integration