Re: [Jersey] I can't get a POST message to work

From: Jeff Schmidt <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 07:35:18 -0700

Hi Jakub:

I too am having the problem with the InstantiationException and
JSONListElementProvider when I try to use the Jersey 1.0.1 jars in
Netbeans 6.5. I really need to start working with Craig's multipart
API and I see it is included in 1.0.1. Jersey 1.0 is what is available
in Netbeans 6.5. I tried to update Jersey by creating a new library in
Netbeans and included the following jar files, which I basically got
from the Jersey 1.0.1 dependencies page.


When starting up the app server (Tomcat or Glassfish) I get several:

The provider class, class
com.sun.jersey.impl.provider.entity.JSONListElementProvider, could not
be instantiated

Browsing jersey-json-1.0.1.jar within Netbeans, I can see that class
is abstract.

When I tried the sample customer DB app as you suggested below, it
worked just fine using the stock Jersey 1.0 library.

What is the proper combination of jar files one uses to create a
library in Netbeans 6.5 that will allow me to use the IDE to develop
using Jersey 1.0.1?



On Jan 19, 2009, at 8:38 AM, Jakub Podlesak wrote:

> Hello Eric,
> On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 10:12:55AM -0600, Marsh Eric wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm developing an iPhone application that needs to pass information
>> between
>> the iPhone and a remote database. Using web services seemed to be a
>> good
>> strategy so I downloaded the latest version of Netbeans, spent a
>> day or two
>> reading and working through the web services examples. Doing some web
>> searches I found that most iPhone developers are using JSON so I
>> downloaded
>> an iPhone JSON library and went to work at developing a
>> communications
>> channel between the remote device and the database.
>> I don't know if it makes any difference but I'm developing on a Mac.
>> First of all, when I tried to deploy I was getting some errors
>> related to
>> JSON. They are:
>> SEVERE: The provider class, class
>> com.sun.jersey.impl.provider.entity.JSONJAXBElementProvider, could
>> not be
>> instantiated
>> SEVERE: The provider class, class
>> com.sun.jersey.impl.provider.entity.JSONListElementProvider, could
>> not be
>> instantiated
>> SEVERE: The provider class, class
>> com.sun.jersey.impl.provider.entity.JSONRootElementProvider, could
>> not be
>> instantiated
>> I thought that I'd go back and look at those problems later as the
>> app did
>> seem to deploy even with the errors.
> I would recommend you to try resolve the above errors in the first
> place
> as it seems something is wrong with your configuration.
> Are you using the latest NetBeans 6.5? If so,
> could you try to create a new project with:
> [New Project]->[Samples]->[WebServices]->[Customer Database (RESTful)]
> then try to deploy. Same errors?
> Then please try to submit a new bug report against NetBeans RESTful
> WS plugin at [1]
> Another thing you may try is to run your NetBeans with a fresh
> userdir.
> Then you need to use --userdir rest-app-nbdir command line option.
>> It wasn't too tough getting the database to talk to the iPhone.
>> However
>> I've spent something like a week and a half trying to get the
>> communications to work going the other way. Initially when I was
>> getting
>> errors and exceptions I thought that my problem was that I simply
>> didn't
>> understand the JSON protocol. Consequently I stopped trying to get
>> the
>> iPhone to talk to the web services and started to experiment with the
>> netbeans "Test RESTful web services" web interface. I would do a
>> get to
>> grab some data from my database, tweak the results and try to POST
>> them
>> back to the database. I could never get this to work. I had a
>> number of
> The simplest test scenario to try out here is to
> - GET some data from a particular containee resource
> - POST the very same *unchanged* data to the corresponding container
> resource
> Then, you should get something like
> Entity already exists exception (coming from db layer)
> Which in fact means, you entity gets unmarshalled all right.
> Could you please try out something similar (without touching the
> data) at your application?
>> returned error codes depending on what I would try to POST but I
>> finally
>> focused on the fact that I was getting messages similar to the
>> following:
>> javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException -
>> with linked exception: [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not
>> allowed in prolog.] at
>> converter.UriResolver.resolve(
>> I've been doing some reading and it appears that in Jersey JSON is
>> layered
>> over XML. Since this exception appears to be coming from the XML
>> layer it
>> looks like I would have to step through the Jersey source to figure
>> out
>> what's going on. I suspect that the problem is related to the
>> exceptions
>> that were happening on deployment that I cited earlier.
> I suspect that is the case. If the customer db application works for
> you,
> you might want to check, you web app uses the same jersey related
> libraries.
> (Please make sure you do not mix jersey jar versions)
> If none of the above helps, would you be able to send out your project
> files so that i could have a closer look?
> ~Jakub
> [1]
>> I downloaded the source so that I could build and debug in the
>> Jersey and
>> Grizzly layers. This took a couple of hours. To my surprise there
>> was a
>> couple of places where the source wouldn't build as downloaded. One
>> is in
>> where the compiler complained that at line
>> 216 it
>> couldn't find getMessageBodyWriterMediaTypes. Another problem is at
>> line
>> 292 in where it couldn't find
>> ERROR_SUBRES_LOC_HAS_ENTITY_PARAM. I did some quick hacks just to
>> get the
>> application to build. However it wouldn't deploy and at that point I
>> decided that I'd just spent too much time on this and decided to
>> yell for
>> help.
>> I'd really like to be able to use Glassfish, Netbeans and Jersey
>> but I
>> really seem to be stuck. If I can't get this to fly I may have to
>> backtrack
>> and do something entirely different. It doesn't appear that I can
>> do a
>> remote database connection from the iPhone so web services looks
>> like the
>> best solution. The problem appears to be at the server end, not the
>> iPhone
>> end anyway. I'm really kind of surprised that I've had so much
>> trouble.
>> Regardless, I need to break through this roadblock and get this app
>> done.
>> Suggestions or help anyone?
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Jeff Schmidt
535 Consulting
(408) 205-7697