Re: [Jersey] Important bug found

From: Jakub Podlesak <Jakub.Podlesak_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2008 20:10:34 +0100

On Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 08:05:04PM +0100, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> On Dec 2, 2008, at 7:56 PM, Jakub Podlesak wrote:
>> Hi Jeffrey,
>> please see in lines...
>> On Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 02:49:30PM -0200, Jeffrey wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> Imagine having the following object-structure:
>>> Folder has, among other fields, a list of Pages and a list of Keywords.
>>> A Page has, among other fields, a list of Keywords.
>>> A Keyword has an id and a name.
>>> In this example we have and object model corresponding to the following
>>> xml:
>>> <folder>
>>> <id>id:folder</id>
>>> <keyword>
>>> <id>id:keywordfolder</id>
>>> <name>name:keywordfolder</name>
>>> </keyword>
>>> <name>name:folder</name>
>>> <page>
>>> <id>id:page</id>
>>> <keyword>
>>> <id>id:keywordpage</id>
>>> <name>name:keywordpage</name>
>>> </keyword>
>>> <name>name:page</name>
>>> </page>
>>> </folder>
>>> The expected json output, using a provider that generates the jettison
>> It is a jettison bug.
> Is there another version of jettison we could use? including the
> possibility of using an earlier version?

I believe the solution is to swich to Jersey internal format.
I will however ask this question, when filing the bug at Jettison project


> Paul.
>> I can file it for you (tomorow), but i am afraid
>> i won't be able to fix it.
>> However:
>>> format, is:
>>> {"folder":
>> You do not want to use Jersey format, because this:
>>> { "id":"id:folder",
>> is serialized out as:
>> {"id":{"$":"id:folder"}
>> ?
>> If this is the case, i believe i can make some improvement in Jersey
>> and than i will be in control when this gets fixed for you.
>> Would it help?
>> I mean, improving internal format and switching over to it in your app?
>> ~Jakub
>>> "keyword":{"id":"id:keywordfolder","name":"name:keywordfolder"},
>>> "name":"name:folder",
>>> "page":
>>> { "id":"id:page",
>>> "keyword":{"id":"id:keywordpage","name":"name:keywordpage"},
>>> "name":"name:page"
>>> }
>>> }
>>> }
>>> However, the generated json was:
>>> {"folder":
>>> { "id":"id:folder",
>>> "keyword":[ {"id":"id:keywordfolder","name":"name:keywordfolder"},
>>> *{"id":"id:keywordpage","name":"name:keywordpage"}*],
>>> "name":"name:folder",
>>> "page":{"id":"id:page"}
>>> },
>>> *"name":"name:page"*
>>> }
>>> As you can see the keyword belonging to the page object was put together
>>> (in an array) with the keyword of the folder.
>>> Besides this, the name of the page does not longer belong to the page but
>>> is part of the folder.
>>> I´ve attached a jersey application with a service that generates the
>>> following output. It is using the newest version released: 1.0.1.
>>> To use the service build the project, run and call the
>>> url: http://localhost:8002/services/bug
>>> We´re creating a business critical application based on jersey and are
>>> facing this bug since the migration from version 0.8 to 1.0.
>>> Do you have any idea how long it will take to fix it?
>>> Hoping to hear from you,
>>> Jeffrey
>>> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>>> Hi Jeffrey,
>>>> You can report it here on this list.
>>>> Or you can log an issue here:
>>>> to do the latter you will require a account.
>>>> Note that we have just released version 1.0.1, perhaps it is fixed in
>>>> that
>>>> release?
>>>> Paul.
>>>> On Dec 2, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Jeffrey wrote:
>>>>> I´d like to registrer an important bug that I found yesterday, but i
>>>>> can´t find any relevant e-mail address to send the explication +
>>>>> application to demonstrate.
>>>>> Can you please explain where to send this recently introduzed bug
>>>>> (version 1.0).
>>>>> I´m looking forward to you answer,
>>>>> Jeffrey van Helden
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