Re: [Jersey] RE: Subject: [Jersey] Patch: HttpClient backend to Jersey Client

From: Jorge L Williams <>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2008 10:46:58 -0700

Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM wrote on 12/02/2008 02:06:37 AM:

> On Dec 1, 2008, at 8:31 PM, Jorge L Williams wrote:
> >
> > > Another approach we could borrow from HttpClient is to pass
> > > configuration options directly to the Methods themselves. That makes
> > > the
> > > configuration ephemeral and we could say things like redirect in
> > > general
> > > but please don't redirect on this DELETE.
> > >
> >
> > An interesting idea. Note that such an approach is possible by writing
> > a client filter and checking the HTTP method.
> >
> > To be honest i am not a great fan of the Apache API, it seems overly
> > engineered.
> >
> >
> I'm not sure I like the idea of having to require the use of a
> filter in this case. Off hand, I think that may end up complicating
> the WADL2Java code a bit --- we should at least provide some sort of
> a convenience interface that allows this kind of customization.

> Note that it is easy to provide filter classes that the developer
> can reuse so that they don't have to write their own.

I'll look into this -- but I'm still a little skeptical :-) -- let me
think about it.

> > We are going to release on Monday if all goes well with testing, but i
> > think the the Apache HTTP client integration is a little too immature
> > for the stable release, and i don't have the time between now and then
> > to make the changes, test and verify. Thus i am going to remove it
> > from the deploy to the maven repo, and we will schedule it to be in
> > the next stable release.
> >
> I understand. Any idea when you're planning for the next stable
> End of Jan or start of Feb 2009:
> I'm spread a little thin these days and won't have time to jump
> into this until early next year. None the less, I'm really
> interested in helping out as I have a customer that requires this
> functionality and I'd hate to be redistributing non-stable branches
> of Jersy Client.

> Realistically i don't have much in December. Why don't we pick this
> up again in early January? but feel free to contribute any time if
> you have it :-)

Okay sounds good, if I get a chance I'll jump on it before hand.

-jOrGe W.