Re: [Jersey] Jersey and JPA best practices?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 13:37:34 +0100

Hi Florian,

Scala! :-)

Complete injection support equivalent to that on Servlet is not
currently implemented. It will work by the time EE 6 is finalized.

What servlet class are you using for your web application?

At the end of the email is the web.xml from the bookmark example. To
get this working requires init-params for the persistence unit and we
only support the injection of an EntityManagerFactory. The reason is
there is currently no API to get access to information in the web.xml
like the persistence contexts.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns=""
         <servlet-name>Jersey Web Application</servlet-name>
         <servlet-name>Jersey Web Application</servlet-name>

On Dec 19, 2008, at 12:47 PM, Florian Hars wrote:

> Paul Sandoz schrieb:
>> I recommend emailing
>> to ask questions related to the persistence context support in EE.
> But my problem is not with persistence in EE in general, but with
> persistence
> with jersey. This code as a servlet works like a charm:
> import javax.persistence.{EntityManager,PersistenceContext}
> import javax.servlet.http._
> class SUsers extends HttpServlet {
> private var em: EntityManager = _
> @PersistenceContext{ val unitName="test" }
> def setEntityManager(e: EntityManager) { em = e }
> def allUsers = {
> {<html><body><table>
> { for (user <- jpa.User.getAll(em)) yield
> <tr><td>{ user.userName }</td></tr>
> }
> </table></body></html>}.toString
> }
> override def service(rq : HttpServletRequest, resp :
> HttpServletResponse) {
> resp setContentType "text/html";
> resp.getWriter() println allUsers
> }
> }
> What does not work is the naive translation into a jersey resource,
> there em is
> always null:
> import javax.persistence.{EntityManager,PersistenceContext}
> import
> import
> @Path("user/")
> class Users {
> private var em: EntityManager = _
> @PersistenceContext{ val unitName="test" }
> def setEntityManager(e: EntityManager) { em = e }
> @GET
> @Produces(Array("text/html"))
> def allUsers = {
> {<html><body><table>
> { for (user <- jpa.User.getAll(em)) yield
> <tr><td>{ user.userName }</td></tr>
> }
> </table></body></html>}.toString
> }
> }
> Is this even expected to work, or is this one of the things
> scheduled for
> JavaEE 6? The bookmarks example seems to imply that it should work
> (or at least
> equivalent code using an EntityManagerFactory), but it doesn't...
> - Florian.
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