Re: [Jersey] Jersey and JPA best practices?

From: Gabor Szokoli <>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 18:45:15 +0100

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 6:33 PM, Florian Hars <> wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get the combination jersey / eclipselink /
> {glassfish-v3-prelude|sailfin-v1-b60d} to work?

Looking back at an earlier project, we seem to have had similar
difficulties (glassfish v2, toplink) and overcame them like this:
em = (EntityManager) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env/persistence/test");

> What is the obvious stupid
> missing piece? Another jar? A cryptic xml file? A ritually sacrificed sparc?
> Spring???

Never found out, the direct JNDI workaround worked fine.

Gabor Szokoli