Re: [Jersey] Error Handling...and forwarding

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 13:58:23 +0100

Hi Jorge,

Would it be possible to create a simple example application. That
would help me understand better your use-case and help debug what is
going on.

My suspicion is the error resource is deployed at a URL that is
different to what you expect.

What is the error resource class you are using, specifically the @Path
value? and what is the URL pattern for the error servlet?


On Dec 12, 2008, at 12:32 AM, Jorge L Williams wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I know we covered this topic earlier, but I have a slightly
> different question, I think.
> We want to make sure that regardless of what sort of error condition
> occurs (whether it's generated by one of our JAX-RS resources or
> whether it's an internal server error of some kind) that we return a
> correct entity. In our case we have a JAXB object called
> WebserviceFault that our clients expect should anything go wrong.
> To catch every case we created an ErrorServlet that mapped to say /
> error and setup our web.xml...
> <error-page>
> <error-code>400</error-code>
> <location>/error</location>
> </error-page>
> .
> .
> .
> <error-page>
> <error-code>500</error-code>
> <location>/error</location>
> </error-page>
> The error servlet itself simply gets details from the request...
> Integer code = (Integer) request.getAttribute
> ("javax.servlet.error.status_code");
> Exception e = (Exception) request.getAttribute
> ("javax.servlet.error.exception");
> String msg = (String) request.getAttribute
> ("javax.servlet.error.message");
> and wraps it around a WebserviceFault which it serializes to the
> response.
> Very tedious and maybe a little goofy (If there's a better way I'll
> take it), but it's been working well for us thus far and this method
> allows us to catch absolutely all error conditions including 401s
> etc..that I don't think make it into Jersey.
> We've been transitioning our ReST services from using vanilla
> servlets to Jersey over the last couple of months. I decided to
> replace the ErrorServlet that we've been using with an error
> resource since we've become interested in receiving error conditions
> not just in XML but also in JSON and I figured converting the Error
> servlet would be the easiest way to accomplish this.
> One problem: it doesn't work. When an error condition hits and the
> application server forwards to the error resource, I get nothing but
> a blank request no entity at all -- though the Error code is
> correctly transmitted ie:
> HTTP/1.x 404 Not Found
> Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 22:34:21 GMT
> Content-Length: 0
> I suspect that this is because the request is being forwarded and
> the URI is not what Jersey is expecting(?).
> For example we get...
> GET /bla/bla/bla
> but something goes wrong and the application server forwards to
> /error
> probably via a request dispatcher(?). I believe the request URI in
> this case should be /bla/bla/bla and not /error -- is this what's
> confusing things?
> So, should I stick with my error servlet? If so what's the best
> way to utilize Jersey to handle the request -- parse the Accept
> header myself and get a MessageBodyWriter from MessageBodyWorkers?
> Thanks,
> jOrGe W.