Gili wrote:
> Chris, this code is giving me the exception:
> MultiPart multipart = new MultiPart();
> WebResource videos = client.resource(videosUri);
> ClientResponse response =, multipart);
> Clearly I am not doing anything fishy here. It almost sounds to me like
> something is wrong in Jersey itself, not my code. How do I know what
> providers jersey-client has registered? The server lists them on startup but
> the client does not.
First, a double check ... you're using Jersey 1.0.1, right? And the
1.0.1 version of Jersey Multipart as well?
The first observation I have is that you *should* really be setting a
media type on the body part (there is no default in BodyPart itself).
The fact that you don't, but that your entity is of type "byte[]", says
you should be invoking the MessageBodyWriter instance that Jersey is
required by the spec to provide (see section 4.2.4) ... but the standard
one is based on matching a provided media type, and null probably won't
Could you try two experiments for me (separately)?
* Explicitly set the content type on your body part:
My gut says this should cause the correct matching to occur, and
should be the
simplest solution. It's also a best practice for the client to
explicitly declare what
it is sending, rather than relying on a framework default.
* Set up a test scenario where you are uploading *just* the data by
itself, leaving
jersey-multipart out of the picture (to see if we can isolate where
the problem lies).
Craig (not Chris :-)
> Gili
> Gili wrote:
>> This doesn't make any sense. I ran a diff and as far as I can tell I
>> didn't change anything substantial in in my code. And no, I am not
>> setting the media type on any body-part, I am just invoking:
>> BodyPart dataPart = new BodyPart();
>> dataPart.getHeaders().add("Content-Disposition", "inline; name=data");
>> dataPart.setEntity(videoVersion.getData());
>> multipart.bodyPart(dataPart);
>> and getData() in this case returns byte[].
>> Gili
>> Craig McClanahan (via Nabble) wrote:
>>> Gili wrote:
>>> > I don't remember what I changed in the past two days but all of a
>>> sudden I am
>>> > getting this exception:
>>> >
>>> > ClientHandlerException: A message body writer for Java type, class
>>> > com.sun.jersey.multipart.MultiPart, and MIME media type,
>>> > application/octet-stream, was not found
>>> >
>>> > when invoking, multipart). This
>>> should
>>> > be working, right?
>>> >
>>> > Gili
>>> >
>>> Only if you provide a MessageBodyWriter that knows how to handle
>>> "application/octet-stream" (I presume you must be setting this media
>>> type on one of your body parts). None of the default ones do.
>>> Craig
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