Re: [Jersey] Request parameters in a Jersey Client Request

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 13:30:46 +0100

Hi Craig,

I think allowing query parameters is a good idea.

Note that you can do this:


which will replace any existing query parameters on the WebResource.
But i agree it is rather horrible, probably as much as getting slapped
in the face with a fish, if you just want to set query parameters.

IIRC we have discussed this before. One approach was to emulate many
of the UriBuilder methods so one could do:

   service.uri().path("foo").queryParam("bar", "baz").build().get(...)

But the MultivaluedMap<String,String>) you propose is much simpler.

I have *a lot* of preparation work ahead of me for many presentations
over the next 2 weeks so the simpler the better.

If i don't get this and the "*/*+json" and "*/*+xml" implemented today
it is unlikely i will get the time before the 1.0.1 release. I am
happy to defer over to yourself if you want to have a go.


On Nov 27, 2008, at 8:04 AM, Craig McClanahan wrote:

> I've been working on client-side tests for a RESTful server API in
> my day job, and ran into an interesting scenario. Some of my
> service APIs support request parameters for filtering and sorting
> the returned results. But there doesn't seem to be any mechanism to
> allow a Jersey Client request to include such parameters. In
> particular, if you try something like this (in Jersey 1.0):
> service = ...; // WebResource for our service
> ClientResponse response = service.path("foo?
> bar=baz").get(ClientResponse.class);
> you will most likely get a 404 response back from your server.
> AFAICT, this is because the path() method is URL encoding its
> argument, so the "?" gets encoded instead of delimiting the request
> parameters. Yuck.
> In addition to everything else, I've been building Ruby and Python
> client SDKs for these web services, in addition to Java ones which
> are based on Jersey Client. I liked the Jersey Client builder
> pattern APIs so much that I pretty much emulated them in the other
> languages ... but I found the need to add an additional method to
> take query parameters and do the right thing.
> For Jersey Client, I would propose to fix this scenario along the
> same lines, by adding the following method signature to WebResource:
> public WebResource params(MultivaluedMap<String,String>);
> that would let you specify an appropriate map of request parameters,
> and return the WebResource instance (in builder pattern fashion) to
> continue the process of constructing the current request.
> What do you think? If we like it, I'd like to get this (in addition
> to the changes earlier discussed for "*/*+json" media types) into
> the 1.0.1 stream for release next week.
> Or, if there is a way to deal with request params in the current
> client apis, feel free to slap me with a fish :-).
> Craig
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