Tomcat Deployment Vs. Jetty Deployment -- no parameters from HttpServletRequest

From: Davis Ford <>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 16:29:57 -0500

Hi I built a simple service that accepts @POST.

public class EfaxServlet {

public String doPost(@Context HttpServletRequest request) {

I expect a parameter named "xml" to be posted that contains the full
XML string contents.

This is a maven project, and if I run:

$ mvn jetty:run-war

And then use curl to send the content like so:

curl -v --data-urlencode xml_at_inbound-post-original.xml -H

it works like a charm....

If I switch over to Tomcat, either via mvn using "mvn tomcat:run-war"
or else starting Tomcat 6 myself after dropping my .war file in there,
I never receive any paramters from the HttpServletRequest.

I added this snippet to the @POST method:

Map<String, String> map = request.getParameterMap();
if(map.isEmpty()) {
        LOGGER.error("request has no parameters");
for(String key : map.keySet()) {
        LOGGER.error("key: "+key+" value: "+map.get(key));

If I run this with Jetty, it sees "xml" parameter, but if I run the
same on Tomcat, it sees no parameters at all.

I'm really not seeing the problem here. Can anyone provide a clue
what might be going on?? My thanks in advance.


My web.xml is below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns=""
        <!-- other init-param here -->